Together, we are able to offer the following Workshops:
Free to Sing A:
Trijnia, Dailah, and Regina will take the students on a journey to learn how to sing to the Lord in Freedom: singing in the Spirit with Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
Prophetic Painting:
Dailah and Elseba will give a Biblical explanation about the gift of prophecy and painting. The students will receive prompts to paint on canvas with the leading of the Holy Spirit usin the help of various exercises.
Learning to be Godly women:
Lara and Dailah will take a ten-week journey through the word of God to discover God's design, plan, and intention for women. They will discuss how to heal from and grapple with the challenges of growing up and living in the broken world around us as it applies to this theme.
Songwriting A & B:
Regina will guide our students through this ten-week workshop. Songwriting A focuses on teaching students to sing and play from the Word of God. Helping students learn to write melodies, develop their songs harmonically, organize their songs structurally, storytelling, and lyric writing. Songwriting B incorporates the information learned in Songwriting A for the students who want to continue to grow and prepare to record their songs in the studio.
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