
Exiciting News! Concert of Praise

We are kicking off our new season 2023-24 with a Concert of Praise!

We are giving a concert. Our heart is that it is not a concert like the world gives, but a Concert of Praise. 7 Artist will be playing their songs. Our heart is that they are not Artists like the world presents. Our heart is to cherish the presence of God so that every part of the process of sharing our songs, is birthed from the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. We want to cherish His Presence over Profit. His Glory over our own. Obedience to Him over all! We want to thank God 1st and foremost for His Presence and His intimacy with us and everything He has given us this past season. 


We believe God wants us to share our songs and we are looking for God’s Way to share them as a creative family. Our songs are birthed from a place of intimacy with Jesus. Some of them are testimony songs, some of them are songs of deliverance, some are corporate worship, some of them are songs of Praise, some of them are Gospel Songs to be sung on an Outreach. Our desire is to share the gifts with each of you that God has given to us this past season as a Creative Family. 


Our Father in heaven seeks worshipers who bow down to Him in Spirit and in Truth. Worshipers are not performing artists and worship moments are not concerts. The Bible says that we are purchased by the blood of the Lamb and He has made us Kings and Priests unto our God. We are made this by Jesus. Kings and Priests. As Children of God who make music for God, we are entrusted with two of the most sacred things to God: His Glory and His Bride.  Around the throne of God is non stop singing and music being made by the Elders, the Angels, the 4 Living Creatures. This Concert of Praise is what we mean when we say Concert. So, we invite you to join the Song with us, that has been sung long before our lives, to raise our voice along, with Heaven and Earth. 




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